Christian Library
Relax and share in the Word.
The Standard’s Christian Library sits behind the coffee shop and is a resource for deepening your faith.
Why a library?
The scripture is clear that God has set some people in the church (1 cor 12:28) for the edifying of the body of Christ (Eph 4:12).
We have a very rich church history over the last 2,000 years and the stories and writings of those that God set in the church through that time period can edify us greatly today. As you can imagine preaching and teaching from hundreds of years ago and even 50 years ago differs greatly from preaching today.
Those that have come before us saw and explained things from a different perspective and it can help us greatly to view God and His word though those different lenses of sent ones from different geographic locations and time periods through church history.
The idea behind The Standard is to gather those writings, C.D.’s, D.V.D’s, etc into a convenient location where people can access the material on a daily basis to study and communicate with others who are seeking. We are all familiar with the concept of going to a gym on a regular basis for the training/edifying of our physical man…..this would be like going to the gym for the training/edifying of our spirit man.
The idea of “The Standard” in ancient Israel was that each tribe would lift their standard so that people from that tribe would know where to gather.
We’re believing that there is a “tribe” out there today of seekers looking for a deeper walk with God…..we’re not exactly sure who they are but we’re lifting The Standard and excited to see who will gather.